Thursday, March 4, 2010


Unfortunately, the dating world is full of liars and exaggerators. Dating is a lot like poker, everyone is bluffing and everyone is trying to come out on top regardless of how much it takes to win. Most antis are harmless. Telling someone that you work out five days a week, when you really only go to the gym when your schedule allows it, is something that can be laughed about when the truth is reveled; no harm no foul.  Besides most people can call out that bluff based on your outside appearance.

However, some antis are unacceptable and need to be called out the minute that you detect that something is not right, like whether or not someone has a girl friend or is married. It is not feasible to ask every new person you meet whether or not they are already attached. First off, if they are hitting on you and you ask them flat out, they are going to lie. Secondly, if you ask them and they are not attached you will come out a little wacko right from the beginning.

The best way to make sure that you do not become the third wheel in a relationship is be aware of what signals to watch out for when someone is bluffing.

1. If they do not ever go anywhere with you in public, there is a reason! Moreover if they want to only go to places that are obscure and nowhere, where neither of you live, that is a bad sign. No one prefers one movie theater to another movie theater that much.

2. If they call you from blocked number, that is a big red flag. The majority of the world does not call from a blocked number and if he or she is interested in you, there is nothing wrong with you knowing his or her number.

3. If you are out together and their cell rings over and over, again, without them picking it up, that is a sign that they are attached to someone else. One: If someone were calling me over and over, I would answer to make sure everything is ok. Two: someone is calling over and over because they are worried about what that other person is doing or where they are.

4. If you notice that they always answer their cell on the first ring when you two are hanging out, but they do not answer when you call and take two days to get back to you they are probably married. Of if they only call at odd hours of the day and can never see you on the weekend they probably have a family.

5. If right from the start of your court ship, they call you ‘cute’ pet names like babe or beautiful, it is because they do not remember your name, they might slip up and say someone else’s name, or they are a womanizer. All of which are reasons to show them the door.

6. If a person is constantly questioning you about your dating agenda, or whether or not you are with someone else, most of the time it is because they are. Reality is the people who do the accusing are the ones committing the indiscretion.

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